4 Simple Health Tips For Everyone | Best Health Tips Strive2Web


It seems like there’s a new study out every day presenting scary medical news. Figuring out how to stay healthy can be really stressful, and we all know that stress isn’t healthy. fortunately, there are lots of simple ways to boost your health. from sleeping on your left side, to getting a pet, even playing video games could be good for you in moderation prepare to Global Storys by this list of 4 tips for good health.

1. Sleeping on your left side.

You may not think it matters which side you lie on when you go to bed studies have shown you’re better off snoozing on your left side. this position improves blood flow to your organs, helping the spleen and intestines work more efficiently. there’s also a big bonus for heart burn sufferers since several studies have found that sleeping on your left side apparently reduces heartburn no one knows the exact reason for this, but one hypothesis holds that left side sleeping keeps the junction between the stomach and esophagus above the level of gastric acid. it seems very odd but it’s all true and the good thing is that left side sleeping is a cool and easy trick everyone can use.

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2. Don’t brush after eating, after all.

Since you were a kid, you were probably told to brush your teeth after every meal, it turns out that’s not such a great idea. Acidic food or drinks and even healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are often very acidic and can soften your tooth enamel. This raises the risk of tooth damage with brushing a better idea is to wait 30 to 60 minutes after a meal to brush those pearly whites.

3. Avoid Bright Lights Before Bed

You may like to relax before bed by reading on your tablet, surfing the internet or updating your calendar on your phone. Unfortunately, even if these things are relaxing, they can prevent you from sleeping soundly. it’s the blue light produced by all our electronic devices any kind of bright lights at night interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep. Several studies have linked exposure to bright light at night to increase risk of several forms of cancer, heart disease and obesity. Some preliminary evidence, suggests lower melatonin levels may increase the risk of cancer. if you like to read, a paper book is a better idea than an e-reader. but if you have to use something with a screen, a pair of amber tinted glasses can reduce the blue light and help you sleep better.

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4. Sitting correctly at a computer

Sitting at a computer can leave you with all sorts of aches and pains and pore posture is a big part of the problem, admit it, you sat up straighter just hearing that improving posture is a good start. But there are other changes you can make to reduce strain when sitting, raise the height of your chair, put your keyboard and mouse on your desktop surface and move your monitor and laptop screen so it’s at exactly the height of your face. That way, you won’t strain your neck looking down.

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